I always love the beginning of a new year. I love taking time to set goals, making a plan, and then taking off to make them happen! I love to dream and plan. This year, it's all hitting a little differently. I can't quite put my finger on why but I just feel the need to apply the "pause and breathe" to my whole month. I have gotten pretty good at pausing to breathe before responding to things happening in my daily life. When January came in and I sat down to decide on my goals and make a plan, I just didn't feel it. I turned inward and felt the need to really spend more time assessing my current status and my soul's desires for the future. That's exactly what I've been doing. Rather than just pausing to breathe before responding, I have been on an extended "pause and breathe" for the whole month. I know we're only half-way through, but it still feels good.
Rather than immediately setting goals for my business, I set about determining what I would need to be a little more successful than last year. I am not "mad" about where I am in either business or feeling crazy driven to go after the lofty big dreams I usually hold. I just want to be more successful than I was last year. I want to hold more classes and programs. I want to empower more women and educate them to improve their relationships, including the most important one which is the one she has with herself. I want to find a regular schedule and location for classes and grow my intenSati community. I want to grow as a leader in the education world and my business world. I know it still sounds like a lot, but ultimately, I have been reflecting a little each day about what I need to just grow a little more this year. I have determined what my areas of focus will be and I will continue to schedule in actions for those areas of growth only. I am not going to fill my calendar with anything and everything, only the things that will help me grow in the ways I want to. I haven't set any specific goals yet. I am still determining what I will spend my time on. I've picked learning opportunities to go on the calendar first. Then I'm going to schedule meetings and or events that fit into one of the categories. I'm also scheduling in ME time and family time and I'll be doing that on a monthly basis. This happens before the other things actually. Me time and family time need to come first. I am going to prioritize my time because my energy is gold and future only exists if I make it there!
I want to challenge you this month to think about extending the pause with me. Think about tuning in to really assess what you need and where you want to go. Consider scheduling your time based on your priorities first. Reflect on previous goals and progress you've made. Really take time to turn inward and sit with it all for a bit before making any decisions. Listen to what is calling for you in the silence and where your soul is pulling you in the dark. Think about how you can lighten the load and feed your spirit. Slow down to see what is true for you and wind down to be sure you are showing up as the person you want to be. What do you notice as you "extend the pause?"
Peace & Light,
Candace Kluba
Upcoming events:
Sacred Feminine: Embracing Your Sexuality - Jan. 28 in St. Peters, MO 8:30-12 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-sacred-feminine-embracing-your-sexuality-tickets-424622897517?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=escb
intenSati at Wrens Nest Wellness in Wildwood, MO on Feb. 24 from 5:30-6:30 Register online here: https://wrensnestwellness.as.me/ It's listed as a Monthly Event.